My post-Rosh-HaShanah posts
- Wrist action: I'm back to making my own tzimmes! Complete with a recipe that, as it turns out, I published last year. I hope the lead-up is interesting, at least. :)
- Rosh HaShanah report There were some surprises this year.
- Our neighborhood's newest church: Our shul :( There are now more Christian services taking place in our sanctuary than Jewish ones, some of which have relegated to the former chapel, now a rented-out office, in the "dungeon."
- Ashrei--please explain Why is this psalm different from all other psalms?
- Minhag Yerushalmi is my new minhag I'm trying to keep everyone happy, myself included.
- A new prayer-service-learning challenge I have only until Yom Kippur to learn Psalm 90, Tefillah L'Moshe.
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